A world renowned biologist, Professor Slogget, has worked within Oxford University for over twenty years. His extensive research has brought him a large amount of respect within the hierarchical community of the scientific industry. However, as his obsession with body parts grows, mysterious happenings seem to occur. In efforts to live up to his idol the twisted professor begins his practise on animals however begins to realise that this does not satisfy him fully.
Rebecca Addeley, a young bright biology student, studying her first year at Oxford, believes that Professor Slogget is the perfect scientist to aspire to be. However as her sister, Amy, begins to get suspicious of the extra hours that her younger sibling spends at the university she starts digging into the trusted Professor and finds out some information that she wish she could forget. As she digs deeper into the secret life many secrets begin to unravel. Will she be able to keep her sister from harm?
By Reece Hopkins an Robyn Marshall-Dawson
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